Classroom of Design and Operation of Aircraft Piston Engines №3 Lecture Room of Information Systems and Technologies №214
Laboratory of GTD-350 Engine Design and Operation №5 Economic Theory Classroom №304

Classroom of Crew Procedures of Mi-2 Helicopter №6

Classroom of Philosophy and Cultural Studies №306

Laboratory of D-136 Engine Design and Running №13

Classroom of Mi-2 Helicopter №308

Laboratory of TV2-117 Engine Design and Operation №14

Accounting Classroom №309

Laboratory of TV3-117 Engine Design and Operation №18

Laboratory of Mi-8 Helicopter Design №311

Classroom of Thermal Engines Theory №21

Laboratory of Mi-2 Helicopter Design №312
Classroom of «Robinson R-22» Helicopter Design and Operation №22 Classroom of Legal Studies №313
Classroom of Labor Protection and Safety and Health №26 Statistics Classroom №314
Chemistry Laboratory №32 Classroom of the History of Ukraine №403
Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Methods of Analysis №33 Classroom of Commodity Science and Practical Accounting №405
Classroom of Oil Products Technology and Certification of Fuel and Lubricants №36 Meteorology Classroom №406
Laboratory of Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft and Aircraft Engine №37 Classroom of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing №407
Physics Classroom №39 Classroom of Materials and Parts №414
Chemistry Classroom №46 Laboratory of Computer Science №416
Laboratory of Test Control №47 Mathematics Classroom №417
Classroom of Ukrainian and Literature №48 Laboratory for testing and repair of electrical devices №501
Laboratory of Physics, Metrology and Electrical Measurements №49 Auditing Classroom №502
Professional English Classroom №50 Laboratory of Electronics and Microelectronic Circuitry №503
Classroom of Ukrainian for Vocational Purposes №55 Classroom of AK1-3 Avionics №504
English Classroom №59 Classroom of Diagnostics of Electrical Devices №505
Laboratory of Technologies and Maintenance of AK-1-3, Mi-2, Mi-8 Helicopters №101 Electrical Engineering Classroom №506
Management Classroom №102 Laboratory of Mi-26 Cockpit Procedure Trainer №507
AK1-3 Helicopter Flight Operation Classroom №106 Energy Laboratory №508
Laboratory of Mi-2 Helicopter Crew Procedures №106A Laboratory of Mi-8 and Mi-8MTV Helicopter Systems №509
Classroom of Mi-8MTV Helicopter Flight Operation №108 Laboratory of Mi-8 and Mi-8MTV Helicopter Systems №510
Air Navigation Classroom №110 Radio Navigation Equipment Classroom №512
Laboratory of Mi-8T, Mi-8MTV Cockpit Procedure Trainer №110A Laboratory of Mi-2 Cockpit Procedure Trainer №513
Banking Laboratory №111 Laboratory of Measuring Systems №514
Aviation Security Classroom №113 Classroom of Electric Machines and Electric Actuator №518
Flight Safety Classroom №115 Laboratory of Electric Machines and Apparatus №519
Classroom of Economic Analysis and Settlement of Trade №201 Laboratory of Technical Means of Training
Tax Accounting Classroom №202 Laboratory of Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics №601
Aerofluid Dynamics Classroom №205 Sports and Training Complex №1
Laboratory of Computer Learning Technology № 213 Sports and Training Complex №2