On July 1, 2020, Kremenchuk Flight College celebrates its 60th anniversary. As an educational institution, it was founded in 1960 under the name of the Flight School of the Civil Air Fleet. By the Order № 231 of November 28, 1991, educational institution was integrated into the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. On June 24, 1993, by the Order № 97 of this Ministry, it was renamed “Flight College”. According to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 186-p of March 13, 2019 Kremenchuk Flight College was integrated into the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine by joining Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as an economically autonomous structural subdivision. The college is one of the leading aviation state higher educational institutions of Ukraine, and in the field of helicopter training it has no equal.

Over the years, prominent cosmonauts Oleksii Leonov, Petro Klimuk, Volodymyr Aksionov, Anatolii Levchenko, Heroes of the Soviet Union Mykola Melnyk, Borys Lialin, Akhmatger Gardapkhadze, handed the keys to the sky in the college. Over the period of its existence, more than 60,000 specialists from the CIS countries and about 7,000 citizens from 77 other countries, including Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Yemen, India, Canada, China, Mozambique, Peru, Poland, USA, Finland, Japan, etc. have completed training in the college. The college has mastered 14 types of aircraft, 12 types of which are helicopters of the famous design bureaus Mil and Kamov, as well as ultralight helicopter AK1-3 made in Ukraine.

In 2003, the college became the part of the Unified Educational and Methodological System of the National Aviation University and was its educational and scientific unit.

From June 1, 2019, the college became a structural part of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Therefore, it is currently on the path of development and strengthens its educational and methodological as well as material base. This allows the college to expand the range and scope of training, to ensure the quality of training of cadets, students and trainees in all areas of provision of educational services.

From now, Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is accredited by I-II levels of higher education and according to the license () provides training at two education and qualification levels: junior specialist and bachelor, full-time and part-time studies. College graduates are awarded a diploma of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of the state standard and CPL (commercial pilot license) of international standard according to JAR (pilot qualification). College graduates can continue their studies at the university to improve their educational qualification level up to a master’s degree. 

The college is headed by Ruslan Yakovliev.

Teaching and educational process is performed by an experienced team of scientific and teaching staff, almost 40% of whom have a scientific degree, academic title or the highest category of teacher. Flight training is conducted by instructor pilots and commanders with the highest training and qualification of a 1st class pilot.

Citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreigners and stateless persons who are in Ukraine legally and have the appropriate educational (education and qualification) level are admitted to Kremenchuk Flight College. Persons who have the education and qualification level of a junior specialist or a skilled worker may be admitted to senior courses or for a reduced period of study, provided that they enter the relevant field of training. 

The college has departments of flight and technical specialties; economic specialties; extramural training; training of foreign students and refresher training of aviation specialists; educational and production practices and employment; organization, accounting and management of the educational process.

The license volume of admission of foreign citizens in accredited areas and specialties is 80 persons.

Males and females are accepted in all areas and specialties.

On the basis of basic secondary education (9 grades) boys and girls are accepted for full-time studies also in specialties 5.03050901, 5.03060102, 5.07010301, 5.07010303 and 5.05110302.

Persons, who received training in the college in flight and technical areas and specialties, full-time studies, earn the status of “cadet”. Along with the main specialty, cadets also acquire vocational (3rd category) professions of the components repairman, fuel supply equipment repairman, electrical equipment repairman. Cadets, who study on State-requisitioned places, are provided with free meals.

In order to strengthen discipline, order and organization, the wearing of uniform for all cadets and full-time students is introduced in the college. Cadets and students who study at the state budget expense no lower than grade “good” receive an academic scholarship. Those who get grade “excellent” all the time receive the merit scholarship. Cadets and students from low-income and other social groups receive social scholarships and financial assistance. Those who successfully studied and took an active part in public life by results of the last month also receive financial assistance. Medical care for cadets and students is provided free of charge in the medical unit of the college, which is equipped with modern medical supplies and hardware.

Cadets and students have at least 11 weeks of vacation during the academic year.

To ensure the teaching and educational process and provide cadets, students and trainees with educational services, the college has a well-developed infrastructure, namely: two academic buildings, simulator center, airfield with support services, flight squadron, aviation maintenance base, motor vehicle base, medical unit, library with reading room, multimedia classrooms, training classrooms, including classrooms with Internet connection, art club with assembly hall, museum, gyms, club and stadium, tennis court, hobby clubs and sections, dining rooms and cafeterias .

Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory.

The college facilities include both customers (airfield departments, academic department, central administration) and contractors (motor vehicle base, simulator center, flight squadron) of training and economic operations, so the college has additional favorable conditions for practical training and production practices of future graduates in all specialties.

Initial, theoretical, practical training, refresher training, revalidation of aircraft maintenance personnel certificates is performed according to the Certificate of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine of September 10, 2008 № MTO-06.

According to the Certificate of the State Aviation Administration of July 03, 2008 № TE-04, the college provides services for the preparation of candidates for certificates:

  • private pilots;
  • commercial helicopter pilots;
  • flight engineers;
  • aircraft observers;

to make ratings into the relevant certificates of flight instructors and crew members, as well as conduct training of flight crews flying on international airlines, and certify the flight crew for certificates revalidation.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is waiting for everyone at the Open Day, which is held on the last Saturday of each month, except the period from June  to August, at 11.00 at the address: 17/6, Peremohy Str., Kremenchuk.

Preparatory courses are organized for everyone: on the basis of 9 classes - in Ukrainian and mathematics, on the basis of 11 classes - in Ukrainian and literature, mathematics (physics). According to the license AE 636803 from June 19, 2015 courses give extra credits when entering the flight and technical field and specialties.

Phones of Admission Committee:

(05366) 3-11-18, 3-72-33

Fax: (05366) 3-01-48

E-mail: [email protected]