Maryna Petchenko, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Head of the Science Department of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA, and Liudmyla Oliinyk, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Methodologist of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work and Organization of Licensing took part remotely (with theses) in the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Sources and Methods of Data Dissemination in Statistics”. The conference was held on the occasion of Statistics Employee Day.
Lecturers of the Cycle Commission of Technical Maintenance Of Aviation Equipment of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA Olena Davitaia and Valentyna Syvolozhska held an Olympiad in the discipline “Technology of Petroleum Products” and a wall newspaper competition on the topic “Petroleum is a “black” gold”.
Lecturers of the cycle commission of natural sciences of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held an Olympiad in the discipline “Theory of
Machines and Mechanisms”. The Olympiad was attended by third-year cadets studying in specialty 272 “Aviation Transport”. Observers were: Yana Doludareva, the Head of the cycle commission of natural sciences, the lecturers Andrii Siora and Vitalii Moskalyk. The Olympiad was held in one stage. Participants were asked to answer and complete the
relevant tasks. According to the results of the event, the winners were determined: 1st place was taken by cadet Yevheniia Solonenko, 2nd place - cadet Serhii Hlushchenko and 3rd place - cadet Kateryna Rykova.