Head of the cyclic commission


Samokhlib Oleksandr

The Cyclic Commission of Air Transport is a structural subdivision of the Professional Undergraduate Education Department of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. 

The Cyclic Commission was established in 2024, headed by teacher Oleksandr Samokhlib.

The following classrooms (rooms) are assigned to the cyclic commission for the quality training of specialists:

Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-8MTB, H-125, H-225 procedural simulator room – No. 11,

Unmanned aerial vehicle operation room – No. 115,

Materials science and corrosion of materials room – No. 55

Chemistry of fuels and lubricants room – No. 46

Petroleum products technology and certification of fuels and lubricants room – No. 36

Design and operation of aircraft piston engines room – No. 3

Fuels and lubricants laboratory research room – No. 32-33

The classrooms are equipped with all the necessary technological equipment and operating electrified stands, models, posters and teaching materials. Practical training is conducted both at the airfield in the village V.Kokhnivka, which is part of the college, and at the central base of the KFC.

The main task of the cyclic commission is to train specialists in ground maintenance of aircraft for both aviation units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and civil aviation enterprises. In their professional activities, graduates can be engaged in the maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines, maintenance and operation of fuel supply facilities.

The cyclic commission is the graduation commission for the speciality:

272 Aviation transport educational and professional degree ‘professional junior bachelor’

272 Maintenance of storage, transportation and refuelling of fuels and lubricants

272 Maintenance of aircraft and engines

Main areas of work of the cyclic commission:

- Implementation of educational and professional programmes, curricula for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists;
- development of a unified concept of educational content in the disciplines taught by the cyclic commission;
- organization and implementation of the educational process in group and individual forms of work;
- formation of personality through patriotic, legal, ecological, ethical and aesthetic education, development of social activity, formation of civic position and responsibility, healthy lifestyle, ability to think freely, logically and self-improvement in the present conditions;
- preparation of new and systematic updating of educational and methodological support for educational activities in the disciplines taught by the cyclic commission;
- generalization and use in the educational process of the experience of other educational institutions, teachers of the cyclic commission during classes, extracurricular activities, retraining and internships;
- organization of academic competitions, competitions, quests, binary classes, scientific seminars in the field of activity of the cyclic commission;
- preparation and publication of educational, scientific, methodological literature;
- conducting career guidance work;
- monitoring the needs of aviation companies in graduates for their employment.

The list of academic disciplines taught by the cyclic commission of aviation transport:

Aviation safety
Aviation legislation and flight safety
Operational procedures
Operation of aircraft in aviation units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Operation, repair and adjustment of equipment at fuel and lubricants facilities
Fuel and lubricants refuelling facilities
Means of quality control of fuels and lubricants
Means of transport and storage of fuels and lubricants
Application of fuels and lubricants
Design and maintenance of aircraft engines
Aircraft construction and maintenance
Aircraft and aircraft engine design
Corrosion of materials
Human factor
Organization of airport fuel and lubricants supply
Fundamentals of automation
Fundamentals of hydraulics, hydromechanical machines and their structure
Fundamentals of aviation equipment reliability
Fundamentals of automatic control theory
Fundamentals of physical and chemical methods of analysis of fuels and lubricants
Labour protection in the industry
Fuels and lubricants
Piston aircraft engines
Procedure for keeping records, reporting and consumption of fuels and lubricants
Safety precautions when working with fuels and lubricants, fire safety when refuelling aircraft
Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing
Technology of petroleum products
Transport fuels and lubricants
Operation of airfields and airports

Teachers of the cyclic commission take an active part in international, national and foreign conferences, are authors of scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific professional journals, in particular in the Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection, are authors of textbooks, monographs, etc.

Teachers of the cyclic commission are instructors and examiners of theoretical training of students in accordance with the requirements of Part-66, Part-147 and developers of educational and methodological documentation in accordance with these standards. Teachers of the cyclic commission are actively involved in the career guidance work of the College.

Contact information

Address: 17/6 Peremohy Street, Kremenchuk, Poltava region, Ukraine,


Email: [email protected]


Reuta Alla

teacher of the cyclic commission

specialist of the highest category


Syvolozhska Valentyna

teacher of the cyclic commission

specialist of the highest category


Ponomarenko Anatolii

teacher of the cyclic commission

specialist of the highest category

Davitaia Olena

teacher of the cyclic commission

specialist of the highest category


Pavlenko Oleksandr

teacher of the cyclic commission,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

(external part-time lecturer)