During February, seven book exhibitions, which can be viewed by all library visitors, are open and work in the library of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Among them, the permanent exhibition “Anniversaries of the Month”; the eуе stopper “Important” introduces the library users to the main ways to prevent a serious illness that kills many Ukrainians of all ages every year, and a large number of them are young people. The thematic exhibition “They Need Our Help” is also dedicated to this topic. We are talking about children with cancer and it is our help that can save the lives of young Ukrainians.

The exhibition-review “Logistics: Theory and Practice" introduces the available literature on OPP "Logistics”. There are many new acquisitions among the library exhibits. The exhibition, timed to the Day of the Safer Internet, tells about the dangers that can befall young people on the World Wide Web.

The exhibition-installation “Sincere Greetings on World Day of Love” for students and cadets of the college collected a large number of works by domestic and foreign writers about love. The theme of love with a red ribbon runs in numerous works that are worth reading or rereading.

An important date in February, which is celebrated annually throughout Ukraine, is the Day of Honoring the participants of hostilities in other countries. The exhibition-collage “Heroic Ukraine - from the past to the present” is dedicated to this date. The largest book exhibition is dedicated to the Day of the Native Language, which we celebrate every year on February 21 and is entitled “Ukrainian language singing, viburnum”. So the college library invites everyone!