Maryna Petchenko, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Head of the Science Department of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA, and Liudmyla Oliinyk, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Methodologist of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work and Organization of Licensing took part remotely (with theses) in the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Sources and Methods of Data Dissemination in Statistics”. The conference was held on the occasion of Statistics Employee Day.

The scientific event, organized by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, was attended by more than 200 participants: leading scientists and practitioners in the field of statistics from Ukraine and foreign countries, the academic staff of higher educational institutions, researchers, doctoral students, postgraduate students, undergraduates, representatives of state authorities and local government, experts and other interested persons.

The event was divided into panel discussions on the topics: “Panel discussion I: Big Data as a Source of Statistical Data”, “Panel discussion II: Statistical Challenges of Measuring the Digital Economy”, “Panel discussion III: Data Visualization in Statistics”.

Based on the scientific event materials, a paper collection of participants’ theses will be published.


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs