Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a number of events dedicated to World AIDS Day, which took place as a part of the All-Ukrainian action “16 days against violence”. The events were attended by the Deputy Director of the College Yurii Shmeliov, specialists of the Department of Social and Humanitarian, Educational and Vocational Guidance and specialists of the Department of Psychological Support of the Personnel Department.

This day online anonymous questionnaire survey of cadets and college students on knowledge about HIV/AIDS, solidarity action “Red Ribbon as an awareness symbol”, organized meeting of volunteers of the action “Peer-to-peer” of the public charity organization “Light of Hope” with cadets and students on the topic “Sex education of youth. Methods of contraception. Reproductive health of young people” were conducted.

Such activities helped cadets and students to realize all the dangers of AIDS, learn how to protect themselves from this terrible disease, make the right choices in life, preferring a healthy lifestyle.


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs