Working meetings of eighteen scientific circles of cadets and students, namely: “Theory of automatic control in energetics” (Head Yurii Havryliuk); “Aviation Materials Science” (Head Serhii Holovanov); “Radio navigation and telecommunications of aircraft” (Head Yurii Stushchanskyi); “Electrical equipment of unmanned aerial vehicle” (Head Yevhen Volkanin); “Technologies of electrical measurements” (Head Oleh Koliesnik); “Integrated models of pre-flight assessment of aeronautical data” (Head Maryna Nozhnova); “Language tools for describing scientific information - an important component of training” (Head Oksana Savchenko); “Implementation of communicative, culturological and thought-creating function of language in the professional activity of the manager” (Head Svitlana Cherednyk); “Skills of business communication” (Head Valentyna Hardash); “Cognitive research in modern philology” (Head Nataliia Koversun); “The role of foreign languages in professional activities of future economists” (Head Liudmyla Ivanchenko); “Automated control systems and diagnostics of the technical condition of aircraft engines” (Head Serhii Vladov); “Use of information technologies to solve professional problems” (Head Oksana Husarova); "Applied Informatics" (Head Svitlana Hrybanova); “Methods of research of strength characteristics of solid media” (Head Yana Doludarieva); “Physics of the XXI century” (Head Vitalii Moskalyk); “IT Essentials course (basics of information technologies)” (Head Kyrylo Kotliarov); “Innovative technologies in transport” (Head Olena Chernikhova) were held during two weeks in Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The membership of the circles was re- approved, the heads of the circles and secretaries were elected during the meetings. The participants of the circles included cadets of the curriculum planning department of professional education, students and cadets of the curriculum planning department of general training, who obtain a bachelor’s degree and educational qualification level “junior specialist”. Also during the meetings, the work plans of scientific circles for 2020–2021 were approved and the attention was drawn to the activities of circle’s representatives to participate in national and international competitions of scientific papers, conferences, seminars, webinars, Olympic games and round-tables. All members of the scientific circles got acquainted with the Regulations of the activities of scientific circles and problem groups, with the provisions on academic
integrity and plagiarism testing, with the principles of testing on the Unicheck program.

The participation of students and cadets in scientific circles provides an opportunity to develop comprehensively, to grow professionally, joining research work.
Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs