Head of the Department of Management, Social Sciences, Humanities and Fundamental Disciplines Maryna Kiriukhina, teachers of the Department Vira Siora, Olha Khomiak, Inna Ryshkova, Maryna Puzyr, specialist of the International Relations and Interuniversity Work Group Svitlana Stelmakh, Yuliia Onyshchenko, translator of the International Relations and Interuniversity Work Group, as well as students majoring in ‘Air Transport’ joined the first webinar in a series of events organised by the Institut de Recerca TransJus Universidad de Barcelona.
Topic of this webinar was ‘Legal Regulation of Sustainable Mobility: The Experience of Spain for Ukraine’ The webinar became an important platform for academic exchange, promoting an in-depth understanding of legal aspects related to mobility, as well as social issues and technological innovations.
Particular attention was paid to the legal regulations of mobility and sustainable development in the international context, namely in Spain. Experts Marc TARRES VIVES, Doctor of Administrative Law at the Universitat de Barcelona, and Olga TYLCHYK, Doctor, Visiting Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona, presented an analysis of the legal norms that define sustainable mobility and their impact on the development of infrastructure, transport systems and social security.
The lecture was delivered in Spanish and English with translation into Ukrainian.
The event was an important step in the development of international dialogue between Ukraine and Spain. Mutual understanding in such matters contributes to the development of sustainable and effective mobility regulation, which is essential for Ukraine's integration into the European community.