On 31 January 2025, senior teacher of the Air Transport Department Anatolii Yanitskyi, with the participation of a representative of Motor Sich JSC, conducted a binary lesson in the discipline ‘Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer’ for second-year students of the first (bachelor's) level majoring in 272 Air Transport of the educational and professional programme ‘Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft and Aircraft Engines’.

The topic of the binary lesson was ‘The First Law of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic processes in gases’.

During the binary lesson, Senior Teacher of the Air Transport Department Anatolii Yanitskyi introduced the students to the basic thermodynamic processes of ideal and real gases in both closed and flowing systems, as well as the properties of real working bodies.

The invited specialist spoke about heat transfer processes to understand the operation of thermal machines and devices and the rules of their operation.

At the end of the lesson, the students received comprehensive answers to their questions.