The Head of the Department of Electronic Communications, Radio Engineering and Avionics of the KFC of KhNUIA, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yevhen Volkanin performed as an external reviewer of the master's theses of the educational and professional programme ‘Electrical Apparatus and Machines’ at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Kremenchuk National University named after M. Ostrohradskyi.

On 24 December 2024, The Department of Electrical Engineering of the Kremenchuk National University held the defence of final qualification papers. The commission consisting of the Chairman of the State Examination Commission (SEC), Chief Power Engineer of PJSC ‘KVSZ’ Kostiantyn Horniev, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viacheslav Prus, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Andrii Nekrasov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Oleksandr Siomka and Senior Teacher Hennadii Rykov heard the reports of higher education students. The presentation of theses was followed by a lively discussion n important technical issues in the field of electricity, electrical engineering and electromechanics. The commission members and the audience asked questions to the students, future masters, on the topic of qualification papers. Yevhen Volkanin was also invited to this event and took an active part in the discussion. The higher education students showed a high level of training, qualification papers were completed at a high scientific and technical level.