On 10 December 2024, the Cyclic Commission of Management, Social Sciences, Humanities and Fundamental Disciplines, together with the Department of Management, Social Sciences, Humanities and Fundamental Disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a scientific seminar ‘I Have the Right’ to mark International Human Rights Day. The seminar was organised and conducted by Olha Khomiak, a teacher of the highest category.

Every year on 10 December, the world celebrates Human Rights Day, which was established by the UN National Assembly in 1950. This date is a reminder of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, a document that became the basis for the international protection of the rights of every person, regardless of their origin, nationality, gender or beliefs.

The International Human Rights Day aims to draw attention to the importance of respecting basic freedoms and rights such as the right to life, education, employment, freedom of speech, religion and many others.

This year, the topic of Human Rights Day is rights and freedoms for all, which emphasizes the need to ensure equality, justice and respect for human dignity around the world.

In Ukraine, this date is of particular importance, as in difficult times of full-scale war and challenges the protection of human rights becomes an even more urgent task.

The scientific seminar was attended by students majoring in 172 ‘Electronic Communications and Radio Engineering’ and 272 ‘Air Transport’, educational and professional programme ‘Aircraft and engine Maintenance’.

The speakers at the seminar were:

Olha Khomiak, who told participants that every year since 2008, Ukraine has held the All-Ukrainian Law Week to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The main objectives of the event are to demonstrate the importance of legal education for Ukrainians, to foster respect for the law and human rights, and to engage them in interesting legal activities:

Vladyslav Varvarynets spoke about the background and history of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Dmytro Peltii described human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine.

Ihor Avdonchenkov focused on human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine during martial law.

At the end of the seminar, all participants came to the conclusion that the General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a goal to be strived for by all peoples and all States, so that every individual and every organ of society, bearing this Declaration always in mind, may strive by means of education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and to achieve, through national and international progressive measures, universal and effective recognition and enjoyment of them for the peoples of the Member States of the Organization and for the peoples of the territories within their jurisdiction.