Deputy Director of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department for Planning the Educational Process of Professional Training, Lecturer of the Air Navigation Division Commission, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yurii Shmeliov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Serhii Vladov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tetiana Shmeliova took part in 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Application (ICTERI-2020) in the remote mode with a scientific report on “Model in gof the TV3-117 Air craft Engine Technical State as Part of the Helicopter Power Plant in the Form of the Markov Process of Deathand Reproduction” as part of the Poster Session II section.

Theses of the report were devoted to mathematical modeling of TV3-117 aircraft engine as part of the power plant of Mi-8MTV helicopter to create an information system to support decision-making to prevent emergencies and critical situations.

Following the results of ICTERI-2020 conference, a collection of materials will be published with the support of the Company Springer (Germany), which will be indexed in world databases: DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs