• Register of accounting and disclosure of public information
  • Documents
  • Operating discipline
  • List of types of public information managed by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 
  • Working with requests for information
  • Working with citizen appeals
  • Regulatory documents
  • Registration of citizen appeals 

Substantive provisions 

In pursuance of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” and the Decree of the President of Ukraine of May 5, 2011 № 547 “Issues of providing access to public information by executive authorities” the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution dated 25.05.11 № 583 “On the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On access to public information” in the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, central and local executive authorities”, which approved an approximate form of request for information and an approximate procedure for drawing up and submitting requests for information. 

The procedure for access to public information, which is managed by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of July 21, 2011 № 459. 

Drawing up and submitting requests for public information 

Access to public information of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is ensured by providing information upon requests for public information. Requesters of public information in accordance with the Law are natural persons and legal entities and citizen groups without the status of a legal entity, except for subjects of authoritative powers when performing their functions. 

Relations in the field of citizen appeals are regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Citizen Appeals”. 

  1. The requester has the right to apply to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for public information, regardless of whether this information concerns him personally or not, without explaining the reasons for request.
  2. The request for public information can be individual or collective one.
  3. The request for public information is submitted to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs orally or in writing during a personal reception, or by sending by mail, fax, e-mail, or by telephone (at the request of the requester).
  4. The written request for public information is submitted in any format.
  5. The request for information must contain:
    • name and surname of the requester, postal address or e-mail address, as well as telephone number;
    • a description of the information that the requester would like to receive (type, name, details or content of the requested document);
    • signature and date (subject to a written request).
            1. In order to simplify the procedure for making a written request, the requester may use the form for submitting a request for public information (hereinafter referred to as the request form), approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs № 459 (below).
            2. In the request form, the requester is given the opportunity to choose the form of response - by mail, fax or e-mail. 
            3. A request for information may be submitted by the requester personally to responsible person in the Document Support Department of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who organizes in the prescribed manner access to public information, which is managed by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
            4. If for valid reasons (disability, limited physical capacities, etc.) a person cannot submit a written request, it is submitted by an employee of the Document Support Department indicating the name, patronymic, contact phone number in the request and provides a copy of the request to the person who submitted it. 
            5. At the request of the requester, the stamp with the name of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, date of receipt and the incoming number of the request shall be attached on the first sheet of the copy of the request. Such a copy is returned to the requester.  

            The request can be submitted to: 

            postal address –17/6, Peremohy Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, Ukraine, 39600 

            e-mail address - [email protected]

            by telephone number - (05366) 2-23-61, 3-10-21 

            The procedure for appealing the decisions of the information manager or his failure to act 

            According to the Law “On Access to Public Information” and the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs № 459, the request may be denied in the following cases: 

            1. the University does not have and is not obliged, in accordance with its competence provided by law, to have the information requested;
            2. requested information belongs to the category of information with limited access;
            3. requirements for the request for information specified in paragraph 5 have not been complied with. 

            The response to the information request must be provided no later than five working days from the date of receipt of the request. If the request concerns the provision of a large amount of information or requires the search for information among a significant amount of data, the period of consideration of the request may be extended to 20 working days with justification for such extension. 

            Pursuant to Article 23 of the Law “On Access to Public Information”, decisions, actions or failure to act of information managers may be appealed.