Oksana Savchenko, the Head of the cycle commission of philological disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the Internet conference “Educator training: through self-education to professional growth”, prepared by the team of the Educational Project “For classes”.

During the event, there were discussions in the following areas: “End-to-end skills”, “Psychology”, “Work of the educational institution”, “Practical techniques”. The speakers of the event presented meaningful reports: “Online courses - a modern tool for professional development”, “Project activities in the arsenal of modern educator: opportunities for professional growth”, “Educator certification: mission is possible”, “From non-discrimination in education to combating bullying”, “Educator’s self-education: changing trends or a component of professional success”, which were actively discussed by the participants of the event.

The acquired experience will promote comprehensive professional growth, and it will be applied in the practical activities of the Educator and will help to build a systematic work to improve the professional level.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs